Campaign #FRINGE5

Versión en español de este mensaje.

Dear Fringies, once again we need your help in this special campaign we're working on in the next few days. This is what we need:

We're working on a new video with pictures of fans supporting our show, asking for a season five. We all remember the amazing "Where is Peter Bishop" video that meant so much for the whole cast and crew (and also for the fans), we want something like that or even more special, we need FOX to know how many fans are out there, around the world, not only that support the show but who also need another season.

To participate all you need to do is send a picture of you (not pictures from the show) with the word #FRINGE5 written in your hand. Why in your hand? Well, we think this is the best way to symbolize the five seasons, one for each finger. Don't worry, it is not necesary to show your face if you don't want to, just focus on the words.

You can help yourselves with every item you can think of, mirrors to reflect your words, by taking the pic in an special beautiful place you love... If the network decides to renew Fringe before we have our video finished then it will be more a 'Thank you' than a 'Please, give us another season' kind of thing.

Please, spread the word, talk with your friends, share this campaign in your blogs, Twitters, Tumblr, getglue accounts... we need all of you here, we need to show them how much we love the show. They need to know we're all here for them.

You need to send the pics to BEFORE March 26th.

Don't forget to include your name and country in your message, so we can add that info in the video.

Here you have an example of what we need:

Update: we wanted to thank all the Fringe fans out there, we've already received a lot of photos and we still have a lot of time until next Monday! Please keep sharing this campaign with your friends and make this video even bigger :) At this point we've also received the support of the great Ari Margolis, who makes these amazing promos for the show, and also the spanish humorist Berto Romero, the sweet Yvette Nicole Brown ("Shirley Bennet" on the tv show Community) and our favorite shape-shifter Nadie aka Michelle Krusiec!

14 comentarios:

  1. awesome, I will send myself. :) plus I have an interesting idea. I think I will make my hand 6-fingered, and I will make yellow dots around my hand with Paint :)

  2. Awesome ! I relayed it on, the french community :

    Here you are :

  3. Cuando tendremos el video montado?!va a ser genial!!kiero verlo...y berto tb es fan d fringe?jajajjaja brutal!!

  4. Hey,
    so what's the deal?
    Can you tell us how many pics you've received and when the video will be out?


    1. There are no problems. still can not say how many pictures are really, but perhaps more than 900 :D - hope to have the video as soon as possible. the guys are working.
      soon publish all the news! ;)

  5. I just sent two pics. Hope the video helps either to get season 5 or to thank Fox for still supporting Fringe. =D

  6. When can we expect to see the video? :)

    1. Yeah, I'm wandering too. Please give us at least some information about how the work is going.

  7. Thx for this action.

    Greetings from Poland
